In the context of the Covid-19 health crisis, the 77th Venice International Film Festival took partially place in the presence of an audience, but the Venice VR section was 100% virtual. For the 77th Venice International Film Festival, Cie Gilles Jobin has presented a daily live show in real time, la Comédie Virtuelle – live show, selected in the official competition, in the Venice VR Expanded selection.
La Comédie Virtuelle – live show is a real-time dance piece. The five performers are geographically distant, physically separated by thousands of kilometers but gathered together in a virtual space with the audience, also remotely connected from where they are. The work plays on both presence and absence and the notion of reality, simultaneity and community. As a global digital village, virtual space reduces the distance between bodies to create a meaningful and dynamic common space.
La Comédie Virtuelle – live show is danced simultaneously by three dancers our studio in Geneva one dancer in Bangalore and one dancer in Melbourne and presented live to a live multiuser audience. Based on a robust technology developed in house, by our team, the piece is broadcast in real time and accessible worldwide. This piece is possibly the first dance piece to be broadcast worldwide from multiple locations and in real time.

Espronceda Institute of arts and culture
La Comédie Virtuelle – Live Show (Real time multiuser performance in VR)
Infos and booking La Comédie Virtuelle - Live show
La Comédie Virtuelle – Live Show (Real time multiuser performance in VR)
La comédie virtuelle - Online - Tanz KARLSRUHE
La Comédie Virtuelle – Live Show (Real time multiuser performance in VR)
Dance Trail - IDFA
La Comédie Virtuelle – Live Show (Real time multiuser performance in VR)
Programme du VRE Fest
La Comédie Virtuelle – Live Show (Real time multiuser performance in VR)
La Comédie Virtuelle – Live Show (Real time multiuser performance in VR)
Artistic Director Gilles Jobin
Lead Dance Artist Susana Panadés Diaz
Music Hahn Rowe
Dancers Geneva Susana Panadés Diaz, Rudi van der Merwe, József Trefeli
Dancer Melbourne Victoria Chiu
Dancer Bangalore Diya Naidu
Creative Director & Technologist Camilo de Martino
Lead 3D Artist Tristan Siodlak
VFX Artist Benjamin Froger
3D Artist Michael Krebs
Technical Artist & Network Developer Pierre-Igor Berthet
Real Time Motion Capture Hugo Cahn – Cie Gilles Jobin
Mocap Cameras Qualisys – Motion Capture systems
Boom Cloud Technology Camilo De Martino – Cie Gilles Jobin
Production Cie Gilles Jobin – Geneva, Switzerland
Co-production Comédie Genève – Genève, Suisse – SRG SSR – Suisse
With the support of Cinéforom and Loterie Romande – Ville de Genève – République et Canton de Genève
Supported by Carol Brown et VCA Dance at the University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Fine Arts and Music et Viga Entertainment Technology, Coburn the Software Guy
Press reviews
Communiqué de Presse, 27/05/2021, Lauréats du Prix NUMIX 2021 - La Comédie Virtuelle
Le Figaro, 07/09/2020, Danse en réalité virtuelle: ballet du troisième type
Le Temps, 07/09/2020, Chorégraphe du Cosmos – Gilles Jobin
La Tribune de Genève, 21/08/2020, Gilles Jobin met la Comédie en orbite autour de Venise
Télérama, 13/09/2020, La réalité virtuelle sauvera-t-elle le spectacle vivant de la crise sanitaire ?
-, 21/09/2020, Gilles Jobin, au-delà du cinéma
-, 22/09/2020, Tanzen im virtuellen Raum
Vertigo, RTS Radio, 25/08/2020, Gilles Jobin, de la danse virtuelle à la Mostra de Venise
Le 12:45, TSR, 01/09/2020, Rendez-vous culturel: "La Comédie virtuelle" commentée par Gilles Jobin, chorégraphe et la danseuse Susana Panadés Diaz
Tribune de Genève, 07/01/2020, Sculpteur de réalité virtuelle, Tristan Siodlak pratique un métier rare
Immerse, 06/11/2020, The Diffusion of XR and New Digital Paradigms
IL NUOVO MANIFESTO, 17/10/2020, Il festival di Roma si espande con la realtà virtuale
Le Temps, 05/10/2020, Tristan Siodlak, l’architecte virtuel de la future Comédie
No Proscenium, 17/09/2020, Live Virtual Performance Is Still Finding Its Footing at Venice VR Expanded
UploadVR, 16/09/2020, Venice VR: Players Are Joining Live Performances, Not Just Games
Télérama, 13/09/2020, La réalité virtuelle sauvera-t-elle le spectacle vivant de la crise sanitaire?
Times of India, 13/09/2020, Artiste Diya Naidu’s latest work merges movement arts with virtual reality
Heidi News, 12/09/2020, De Venise à Genève, la réalité virtuelle dessine un futur pour les spectacles vivants
Go Out!, 11/09/2020, Poésie méditative
-, 10/09/2020, Venezia 77 celebra la realtà virtuale al cinema e in tv
Mana, 09/09/2020, Mana
Le Figaro, 07/09/2020, Ballet du troisième type
Le Temps, 09/07/2020, Chorégraphe du cosmos - Gilles Jobin
Deccan Herald, 03/09/2020, Covid-19 survivor in Bengaluru dances in Venice as VR hologram
SCREEN DAILY, 03/09/2020, Venice VR chief talks going truly virtual and building new worlds
GHI, 02/09/2020, Pièce virtuelle, plaisir bien réel
-, 31/08/2020, Gilles Jobin, un chorégraphe romand à la Mostra de Venise
-, 25/08/2020, Gilles Jobin en réalité immersive et Greta Thunberg inédite
GENEVA SOLUTIONS, 24/08/2020, Geneva virtually featured in Venice
Tribune de Genève, 21/08/2020, Gilles Jobin met la Comédie en orbite autour de Venise
Le Temps, 12/06/2020, Solitude virtuelle contre expérience collective
Color my Geneva, 20/03/2020, Comédie Virtuelle - Gilles Jobin
La Biennale di Venezia, 31/07/2020, Communiqué de presse Venice VR Expanded (en anglais)
Make Tv Great Again, 11/11/2010, S1 E11 - Tonight Gilles Jobin
Voice of VR Podcast, 11/09/2020, Critics Roundtable on Venice VR Expanded 2020
Leman Bleu, 03/09/2020, La vie d’artiste – La Comédie en Virtuel
La Matinale, RTS Radio, 01/09/2020, Le chorégraphe genevois Gilles Jobin en compétition à Venise dans la section « réalité virtuelle immersive »
RTS Info 12:45, 01/09/2020, Rendez-vous culturel: "La Comédie virtuelle" commentée par Gilles Jobin, chorégraphe et la danseuse Susana Panadés Diaz