Premiere on April 13th and 14th at Geneva – Center of Arts at the International School of Geneva
With FORÇA FORTE, a work inspired by particle physics, Gilles Jobin returns to the stage with his first duo with Susana Panadés Diaz. The production is based on the principles of strong force as a rule to generate movement and choreographic composition.
In quantum physics, strong force is the most powerful of the four fundamental forces in nature. This microscopic and counter-intuitive force governs the principles of matter. If chromodynamics uses RGB colour analogy to describe interactions between quarks, it is the combination of the three colours (red, green and blue) that break down light in the performance.
FORÇA FORTE plays with different layers of reality and explores connections between bodies in space. Virtual bodies are first projected on the screen before becoming real on stage. Virtual images, music and elements of the stage set are tangible elements, which the dancers manage in real time. Contemporary western, desert and Mexican cacti appear as representative of a dreamt-up universal identity, which one could slip on like a costume.
The music is created by Franz Treichler and the costumes are signed by the Belgian designer Jean-Paul Lespagnard who has already worked with the company for QUANTUM.
22-23 march : Centre culturel Suisse, Paris, France
30-31 march and 1st april : Théâtre Arsenic – Programme Commun, Lausanne, Switzerland
13 -14 April : Centre des Arts – Ecole Internationale de Genève – Festival Steps, Geneva, Switzerland
17 April : Lokremise – Festival Steps, St. Gallen, Switzerland
18 April : Vidmart 1 – Festival Steps, Bern, Switzerland
19 April : Roxy Theater – Festival Steps, Basel, Switzerland
22 April : Salle de Chantemerle – Festival Steps, Moutiers, Switzerland
24 April : Teatro Sociale – Festival Steps, Bellinzona, Switzerland
27 April : Theatre Benno Besson – Festival Steps, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
29 April : Phöenix Theater – Festival Steps, Steckborn, Switzerland
30 April : Gessnerallee – Festival Steps, Zurich, Switzerland
19-20 September : Skorohod Swiss Week, St-Petersbourg, Russia
25 September : Diversia Festival, Kostroma, Russia

Choreography Gilles Jobin
Dance Susana Panadés Diaz and Gilles Jobin
Music Franz Treichler
Lighting Gilles Jobin and Marie Predour
Technical direction Marie Predour / Hugo Cahn
Costumes Jean Paul Lespagnard
Virtual environment Gilles Jobin
Motion capture Artanim
Photos Gilles Jobin
Administration Rosine Bey / Marion Huyghues-Despointes
Accountant Gonzague Bochud
Production Cie Gilles Jobin – Geneva, Switzerland
Supported by Loterie Romande, Fondation Ernst Göhner, Fonds culturel de la Société Suisse des Auteurs (SSA), Arsenic Theater
Cie Gilles Jobin is supported by a cooperative funding agreement between the City of Geneva, the State of Geneva and Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council