International collaborative project
Virtual Crossings is an ongoing international digital project aiming at connecting simultaneously clusters of artists to collaborate remotely, on digital and movement related art projects and research. We did 3 editions Geneva-Buenos Aires (2020 + 2021); Geneva-Melbourne-Auckland (2021) Geneva at Le Plaza cinema (2022).
Virtual Crossings Geneva (2022)
Virtual Crossings Geneva created specifically for the Plaza’s large space before its transformation fall 2022. Where motion capture system was installed in the middle of the stalls for 4 days of unprecedented real-time digital event.
Cie Gilles Jobin brings together clusters of digital and movement artists whose goal is to participate in the creation of a local creative digital ecosystem of international level for enlarge knowledge and increase digital experimentation and collaboration in distance and in real time of digital and hybrid projects from the point of view of live performance. Virtual Crossings settles on this occasion in presence at the Plaza of Geneva with the choreographic artists Susana Panadés Diaz, Ivan Larson, Maëlle Deral, and Gilles Jobin, the digital artists Laurent Novac, Camille de Dieu, Tristan Siodlak, Pedro Ribot and Camilo de Martino and for the music Simone Aubert and Pol for an immersive event using real-time motion capture and live projections on the giant screen and walls of the Plaza.

Virtual Crossings Melbourne – Geneva – Auckland (2021)
How do we build choreographic systems for dancing with those we cannot touch?
In a world in which the medium of a mask and the interface of a screen are omnipresent, touching at a distance becomes a choreographic problem. Developing tools to navigate a touchless habitat engages actions of crossing thresholds – between physical and virtual, distant and near – from the perspective of cellular bodies hardwired for touch. Virtual Crossings Melbourne – Geneva – Auckland is a network of artists engaged in cultivating distant touch through remote collaboration. Initiated and operated by Cie Gille Jobin Geneva, this new inter-disciplinary network engages partners in Melbourne, Geneva and Auckland for simultaneous remote performance and research through a virtual architecture embodied through motion capture technology. Virtual Crossings Melbourne mobilises soma-technic states as new spaces for dance to travel safely and with minimal impact.

Virtual Crossings Buenos Aires – Geneva (2020)
Virtual Crossings Buenos Aires-Geneva offers gather, in a virtual space, two dancers in Buenos Aires and a dancer in Geneva in the studio of Cie Gilles Jobin.
Thanks to the animation of each performer’s avatars and real-time motion capture techniques, they connect and dance together, in the same virtual space, in real time, even if they are separated by thousands of kilometers. This first project made it possible to consolidate the link between the Argentinian “cluster” and the Swiss “cluster”.
This exploration between the different aspects of movement in virtual and real spaces resulted in a public show at the Cultural San Martin during the Noviembre Electronico 2020 , as a video projection installation on two screens, set behind the Argentinian dancers, who dance in real time and connected to our dancer in our Geneva studios and a second public show in February 2021 during the Festival Internacional de los artes de Buenos Aires (FIBA).

Infos and booking
Virtual Crossings Geneva (2022)
Production Cie Gilles Jobin
Choreographic artists Maëlle Deral, Susana Panadés Diaz, Ivan Larson, Gilles Jobin
Digital artists Camille de Dieu, Laurent Novac
3D artists Tristan Siodlak
Music Simone Aubert, Pol
Technologist Camilo de Martino
Motion Capture Pedro Ribot
Duration 1 hour
With the support of the City of Geneva
Virtual Crossings Buenos Aires – Geneva (2020)
Artistic Directors Edgardo Mercado – Gilles Jobin – Damián Turkieh
Production Geneva Cie Gilles Jobin
Co-production Geneva La Comédie de Genève
Dancer Susana Panadés Diaz
Creative Director and Technologist Camilo de Martino
Lead 3D Artist Tristan Siodlak
Developer Pierre-Igor Berthet
Motion Capture Hugo Cahn
Real Time Motion Capture Cie Gilles Jobin
Production Buenos Aires Edgardo Mercado
Dancers María Kuhmichel, Mariela Puyol
Live Music Kchi Homeless
Creative Director Damián Turkieh
Motion Capture Damián Turkieh, Ariel Azcurra
Video Technician Nicolás Salguero
Technical Production Realidad 360 Argentina
Supported by Pro Helvetia South America and Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council
This play had, in its initial stage, the support of the H2O Prize, the collaboration of Dr. Daniel de Florian and Noviembre Electrónico, from Cultural San Martín.
Virtual Crossings is part of the IDFA DocLab R&D Program
Virtual Crossings Melbourne – Geneva – Auckland (2021)
Production Geneva Cie Gilles Jobin
Co-prodution Geneva City of Geneva
Artistic director and choreographer Gilles Jobin
Lead dance artist Susana Panadés Diaz
Creative director and technologist Camilo de Martino
Lead 3D artist Tristan Siodlak
Developer and technical artist Pierre-Igor Berthet
Technical director and motion capture Hugo Cahn – Cie Gilles Jobin
Administrator Gonzague Bochud
Assistant Laura Babaci
Motion capture camera Qualisys Motion capture Systems
Virtual Crossings is part of the IDFA DocLab R&D Program
Trans -Tasman Partners
Choreographer in Residence VCA Dance Victoria Chiu
Head of VCA Dance & Research Carol Brown
Digital Architect arc/sec lab NZ Yinan Liu
TrakLAB Researcher VCA Megan Beckwith
Technologist Sam McGlip
Dancers Isabelle Beauverd, Ben Hurley
VCA Dance Students Tai Platania, Alison Tong
The TrakLAB Studio is based on the University of Melbourne’s Southbank campus at the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music, home of the VCA and the Conservatorium of Music.
Press reviews
Tribune de Genève, 22/09/2022, Gilles Jobin transforme le Plaza en dancefloor de la réalité virtuelle
Radio Lac, 17/09/2022, La réalité virtuelle de la Compagnie Gilles Jobin s'invite au Plaza
-, 05/03/2021, ¡Los mejores proyectos escénicos internacionales están en FIBA!
TN Show, 27/02/2021, Guía del fin de semana: arranca el FIBA 2021, experiencia sonora en el Jardín Botánico y mucho jazz
La Prensa, 25/02/2021, En Danza : siete dias en movimiento
Ballet In Dance, 24/02/2021, FIBA : Buenos Aires a todo teatro y danza
Pagina12, 22/02/2021, Presentación del Festival Internacional de Buenos Aires
Groupo la Provincia, 22/02/2021, Con una programación híbrida, se presentó la edición 2021 del FIBA