Premiered on November 6th 2016 at GIFF Geneva International Film Festival, Geneva, Switzerland
Best Art/Experimental Film at San Francisco Dance Film Festival
WOMB is a stereoscopic dance film that offers an augmented artistic experience thanks to high-definition 3D technology. The film develops an innovative form of spatial narrative that combines stereoscopic images, choreography, visual arts and music.
The action in WOMB takes place in a space-time continuum. The film is designed like an existential tracking shot, an abstract analogy of life. Thanks to stereoscopy, the film relies on depth of space and the volume of bodies to trigger a contemplative emotion.
The spectacular stage set, designed by visual artist Sylvie Fleury, is made up of a series of backdrops arranged in a false perspective, which look like an abstract lounge or a grotto. This combines beautifully with the hybrid costumes of Belgian stylist Jean-Paul Lespagnard and the atmospheric music of The Young Gods leader Franz Treichler. WOMB is an exclusively musical film with 3 dancers performing : Gilles Jobin, Susana Panadés Diaz and Martin Roehrich.
Awarded at the San Francisco Dance Film Festival, WOMB was presented at the Festival du Nouveau Cinéma in Montreal, the Solothurner Filmtage, the Cineteca Nacional de Mexico, the Lyon Biennale de la Danse, the Festival Courant 3D in Clermont-Ferrand, CINEDANS in Amsterdam and the Festival Internacional de Danza in Buenos Aires, among others.
22 January: ROLLOUT Dance Film Festival, MUST Movie Hall, Macao University of Science and Technology, Macao, Chine
12 May-25 October: Exhibition « Nombre, Rythme, Transformation. Dialogues Contemporains avec Emma Kunz », Kunsthalle Ziegelhütte, Appenzell, Switzerland
3 December : FESTIVAL CLIMA-X, Milan, Italy
14 – 17 February : Théâtre du Passage, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
2 February : CNDC Angers, Angers, France
27 January : Solothurner Filmtage, Solothurn, Switzerland
11 December : Centre Togola, Bamako, Mali
3 December : Centr’Art Don Sen Folo, Bamako, Mali
30 November : Fondation Passarelle, Bamako, Mali
10 November : Cineteca nacional de Mexico, Mexico DF, Mexico
19 – 20 October : Mercat de les flors, Barcelona, Spain
21 September – 28 October : Lux scène nationale de Valence, Valence, France
3 September: Biennale de danse de Lyon, Lyon, France
7 April : Loikka Dance film festival, Helsinki, Finland
17-18 March, Phoenix Theater, Steckborn, Switzerland
3-4 February : Festival courant 3D, Clermont- Ferrand, France
22 January – 2 February, Festival Frimats, Belfort, France
19 January Panorama Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
12-13 December : Stereopsia, Bruxelles, Belgium
27-30 October : Sofia Independant Film Festival, Sofia, Bulgaria
13 October : CIBDI – Festival Courant 3D, Angouleme, France
12-15 October : Forum Meyrin, Meyrin, Switzerland
9 October : Festival du nouveau cinéma, Montréal, Canada
22-23 September : Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema, Boulder- Colorado, USA
16 September CAC Genève / La Bâtie Festival, Geneva, Switzerland
15 September : Marquee on Main Festival, Washington, USA
19 September : Bideodromo, Bilbao, Spain
09 September-28 October : San Francisco Dance Film Festival, San Francisco, USA
24 August : Cine Helios – FIDBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
21 August : Ciné Gaumont – Festival Internacional de danza, Buenos Aires, Argentina
17 August : Dança em Foco, Fortaleza, Brazil
22 June : Sydney World Film Festival, Sydney, Australia
1 June : Cines Golem Baiona DNA Festival, Pampelona, Spain
9 June : Institut français du SénégalSt-Louis, Senegal
8 June : le Château – Diagn’art, St-Louis, Senegal
31 May : Ecole des Sables, Toubab Dialaw, Senegal
7 May : Centre de Culture ABC – Fete de la danse, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
7 May : Cinéma Le Casino – Fete de la danse, Sierre, Switzerland
7 May : Atelier Kult Kino- Fete de la danse, Basel, Switzerland
6 May : Kino Xenix – Fete de la danse, Zürich, Switzerland
6 May : Bio 72 – Fête de la danse, Carouge, Switzerland
6 May : Arsenic – Fête de la danse, Lausanne, Switzerland
5 May : Arsenic – Fête de la danse, Lausanne, Switzerland
5 May : Kino Seehof 1 – Fete de la danse, Zoug, Switzerland
5 May : Centre de Culture ABC – Fete de la danse, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
5 May : Cinérive – Fête de la danse, Vevey, Switzerland
5 May : Kino RiffRaff – Fête de la danse, Zürich, Switzerland
4 May : Cinémotion Les Rex – Fête de la danse, Fribourg, Switzerland
29 April : Lux Art House- Fête de la danse, Massagno, Switzerland
28 March-1 April : Programme Commun Arsenic-Vidy, Lausanne, Switzerland
9 -11 March, CINEDANS , Amsterdam, Netherlands
3 February: Ciné 17 – Journées de danse Suisse, Geneva, Switzerland
6 November : Cinérama Empire GIFF, Geneva International Film Festival Tous Ecrans, Geneva, Switzerland

A film by Gilles Jobin
Music Franz Treichler
Set Sylvie Fleury
Costumes Jean-Paul Lespagnard
Cinematography Patrick Tresch
Choreography Gilles Jobin
Dance Susana Panadés Diaz, Gilles Jobin, Martin Roehrich
Assistant to the Director Camilo De Martino
Production Cie Gilles Jobin
Technical Direction Marie Predour
Set Structure Design Gilles Jobin and Victor Roy
Set Building Manager Victor Roy
Set Building Coline Davaud / Atelier Supercocotte
Painting Mathieu Creche / MC-Graphic Design
Assistant to Sylvie Fleury Diego Sanchez
3D Equipment and Cameras Screenplane
Stereographer Jan Bernotat
Camera Assistants Raphael Dubath, Augustin Losserand
Stagehand Manager Blaise Bauquis
GF-8 Crane Operator Moisés Mendoza /
Lighting Material Luxan SA
Stage Technicians Vincent Bertholet, Clive Jenkins, Pablo Jobin, Michel Ribeiro
Assistant to J.-P. Lespagnard Léa Capisano
Patterns and Sewing Isa Lhoas
Wardrobe Kata Tóht
Dressing Aurélie Billiet
Make-Up Kennocha Baud / dbFx Workshop
Editing Camilo De Martino, Vincent Pluss
Postproduction Cinepostproduction, Munich
Head of Postproduction Manuel Georg
Sales Robert Gloeckner
Postproduction Manager Jacob Dietz
Color Calibration Aljoscha Hoffmann
Online Editing / Compositing Viktor Cette
Digital Mastering Frank Rolfing, Michael Ritter
Graphic Design Atelier Poisson
Original Score Franz Treichler / Studio S6 Database 59
Sound Effects and Sampling Spocksone CKSDE / Cyber Kitchen Sound Design Enterprise
Recording in Amazonia Gaspar Narby, Franz Treichler
Sound Mastering Felix Bussmann / SDS Sound Design Studios
Shooting Venue Salle Caecilia / La Comédie de Genève
Set Workshop Ateliers de La Comédie de Genève
Administration Mélanie Rouquier, Rosine Bey
Accountant Gonzague Bochud
Research and development in partnership with Cinéforom and with the support of Loterie Romande
Production Box Productions: Elena Tatti, Elodie Brunner | Cie Gilles Jobin: Mélanie Rouquier
Co-production Théâtre Arsenic
Choreographic Research Susana Panadés Diaz, Isabelle Rigat, Gilles Jobin, Martin Roehrich
Technical Direction Marie Predour
Stage Technicians Loan Ruga, David Baumgartner, Daniel Campo, Antonio Llaneza, Austin Belayef
Director of Photography Patrick Tresch
3D RIG and Stereography Samuel Guillaume and Fred Guillaume / Cine3D
Accountant Yves Bachelier
Studio Théâtre Sévelin 36
Technical Support Arsenic, Théâtre Saint-Gervais, Opéra de Lausanne, Théâtre Du Grütli
Thanks to Samuel and Fred Guillaume, Patrick Tresch, Sebastian Cramer, Fabrice Aragno, Laurent-Paul Robert, Vesna Petresin, Elena Tatti, Thierry Spicher, Frédéric Maire, Evelyne Theytaz, Michael Doser, Emmanuel Cuénod, Nathalie Gregoletto, Maral Mohsenin, Lorena Ribera, Sandrine Kuster, Thierry Luisier, Robert Lacombe, Clarisse Bardiot, Yann Serez, Yves Fröhle, Terence Prout, Núria Font, Patrick de Rahm, Claire Jobin, La Ribot, Mateo Jobin, Heleen Treichler, Daniel Demont
Supports The WOMB cooperation project is supported by Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council as part of its “Digital Culture” program
Cie Gilles Jobin is supported by a cooperative funding agreement between the City of Geneva, the State of Geneva and Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council