Premiere on December 4th 1997, Theatre Arsenic – Festival Les Urbaines, Lausanne, Switzerland
A + B = X is a journey through the human mind and the healing of one’s own body. Half-man/half-woman, the bodies speak a strange language that corresponds to nothing but which means so much. Distortions and impositions, the body as a prison, the body as a living art object.
“I am Me and Me is about Me”
Franko B.
I continued my work where I left off in my last solo, Only You. Working chronologically, it made sense to start from there. The body as sculpture, the body as speech, the body as meaning, the images generated suggest more than they say. It is up to the viewer to look into his own self in order to give the presented images their true significance. My work is based on the complexity of the human mind and its relationship with the body, a modern vision of the body. I work using nudity, for its power of suggestion, like a costume.
My work deals with the body in the present, I deal with the blending of the sexes, not seen as uniformity but as a source of diversity and richness.
13-15 November: Théâtre Arsenic, Lausanne, Switzerland
16-17 March : Halles de Sierre, Sierre, Switzerland
16 June: Festival Latitudes Contemporaines, Lille, France
9 July: Malta Festival, Poznan, Poland
6-8 October: Salle des Eaux-Vives, ADC, Geneva, Switzerland
10-11 December: Centre Culturel Suisse Paris, France
15-17 June: FILO, Londrina, Brazil
13-14 September: Théâtre Arsenic, Lausanne, Switzerland
18 November: ASD Gala, Bern, Switzerland
20 November: Centro Culturel Belem, Lisbon, Portugal
11-12 January: London International Mime Festival, London, UK
8-10 April: Rote Frabrik, Zürich, Switzerland
18 April: Tanzsprache, WUK, Vienna, Austria
26 June: Montpellier Danse, Montpellier, France
19 November: 4 Days Festival, Prague, Czech Republic
8-9 December: 1999 TNT, Bordeaux, France
19 January: Resolution ! The Place Theatre, London, UK
16 June: Fastforward 98, Chapter Arts Center, Cardiff, UK
26-27 June: Festival Viva Cité, Sotteville Les Rouens, France
14-15 August: Festival des Théâtres d’Eté, Nyon, Switzerland
8-10 September: Festival de La Bâtie, Geneva, Switzerland
2-3 October: Cselley Mühle, Oslip, Austria
24-25 October: Desviaciones Festival, Madrid, Spain
4-14 December: Théâtre Arsenic – Festival Les Urbaines, Lausanne, Switzerland

Choreography Gilles Jobin
Music Franz Treichler and The Young Gods
Light design Daniel Demont
Dancers 1997 Ana Pons Carrera, Gilles Jobin, Nuria de Ulibarri
Appearance on film Franko B, Ana Pons Carrera, Gilles Jobin, Nuria de Ulibarri
Films Super 8 Gilles Jobin
Dancers 2010 Susana Panadés Díaz, Isabelle Rigat, Louis Clément da Costa
Dancers 2014 Ruth Childs, Susana Panadès Diaz, Bruno Cezario
Production 1997 Parano Productions, London, UK
Coproduction 1997 Théâtre Arsenic, Lausanne, Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Zurich, Maison des Arts du Léman Thonon-Evian, FAR Festival des Arts Vivants, Nyon
Supports Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council, Loterie Romande, Migros, Corodis, Canton de Vaud, City of Lausanne
A+B=X Tour 2000 is supported by Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council, Corodis, Artsadmin
Production 2011 Cie Gilles Jobin, Genève, Switzerland
Administration Mélanie Rouquier / Rosine Bey (2014)
Technical direction Quentin Simon / Marie Predour (2014)
Accounting Yves Bachelier / Gonzague Bochut (2014)
Supports Centre Culturel Suisse Paris, Loterie Romande, Festival Lattitudes Contemporaines Lille
Gilles Jobin benefits of a triennal associated support from the City of Geneva, the Republic and Canton of Geneva and Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council
Gilles Jobin is an associated artist of Bonlieu Scène nationale, Annecy