La Comédie virtuelle – Virtual Theater (multi-user VR) (2020)


La Comédie Virtuelle is compatible with Oculus Rift, S and Oculus Quest with link cable and HTC Vive.

La Comédie Virtuelle  is a multi-user VR experience that enables the public to visit the Comédie de Genève, the new building of the oldest theatre in Geneva that inaugurated its new premises in August 2021.

The public will be able to move through the building’s various areas interacting with the space as well as with other “visitors”. As for Cie Gilles Jobin’s  first immersive virtual reality creation VR_I, there is no technology for technology’s sake, but a real non-linear narrative, actual aesthetic issues, and genuine artistic creation, and above all, the construction of a new creative and hosting space for virtual projects.
La Comédie Virtuelle  is an innovative and social project, accessible both with a virtual reality device and remotely from a computer screen. Access to the experience is therefore completely universal.

Cie Gilles Jobin won the NUMIX 2021 Prize in the International – Interactive XR Experience category for his play la Comédie Virtuelle. This prize rewards the excellence of Quebec’s digital content and was opened internationally for the first time during the 2021 edition.

Each participant is assigned an avatar, which is able to move freely in the theatre’s various areas, see the other participants and converse with them. La Comédie Virtuelle, just like the “real” Comédie, is also a place for social gatherings. Thanks to the remote motion capture technology developed by Cie Gilles Jobin, events can be organised and virtual performances performed live; all this to a universal audience, located all over the world.


La Comédie virtuelle, couloirs
La Comédie virtuelle, salle modulable


Shanghai Theatre Academy,
Shanghai, Chine
La Comédie virtuelle – Virtual Theater (multi-user VR)
VRE - Virtual Reality Experience, Swiss Institut of Rome
Institut suisse de Rome, Italie
La Comédie virtuelle – Virtual Theater (multi-user VR)
77th Venice International Film Festival - Venice VR Expanded
Venise, Italie
La Comédie virtuelle – Virtual Theater (multi-user VR)


Artistic Director Gilles Jobin
Original soundtrack Franz Treichler
Main dance artist Susana Panadés Diaz
Comédie Virtuelle dancers Victoria Chiu, Maelle Deral, Diya Naidu, Susana Panadés Diaz, Gilles Jobin, Tidiani N’Diaye

Executive Producer Cie Gilles Jobin
Creative Director & Technologist Camilo De Martino
3D lead artist Tristan Siodlak
3D artists Mickael Krebs & Nicolas Renard
Developer & technical artist Pierre-Igor Berthet
Motion capture & 3D scans Cie Gilles Jobin
Motion capture technician Hugo Cahn
Main stage set design Victor Roy
Real time capture Cie Gilles Jobin
Boom Cloud technology Camilo de Martino – Cie Gilles Jobin
Real time mocap technology Cie Gilles Jobin
Mocap cameras & technical assistance Qualisys – Motion Capture systems
Administrator Gonzague Bochud
Asia representative Evelyn Wang

Production Comédie de Genève
Supported by Loterie Romande

« The Party » (atelier décor)
Choreography Susana Panadés Diaz
Original soundtrack Franz Treichler
Dancers Bangalore Diya Naidu, Priyabrata Panigrahi, Ronita Mookerji, Srinivas Prashant, Nidhi Baadkar, Anagha Kashyap, Bharath Yadav, Veer Nishad, Jean Fladberg Rose, Kumar Kiran, Maitreyee Joshi
Dancers Geneva Tidiani N’Diaye, Victoria Chiu,  Maelle Deral, Susana Panadès Diaz
Motion capture Susana Panadés Diaz
Collaboration Shoonya Dance Studio Bangalore

« Floating » (salle modulable)
Direction Gilles Jobin
Original soundtrack Franz Treichler
Dancers Victoria Chiu, Maelle Deral, Diya Naidu, Susana Panadés Diaz, Gilles Jobin, Tidiani N’Diaye
Motion capture Hugo Cahn
Mocap cameras & technical assistance Qualisys – Motion Capture systems

« La Comédie Virtuelle – Live Show » (salle modulable)

Artistic director Gilles Jobin
Lead Dance Artist Susana Panadés Diaz
Dancers Geneva Susana Panadés Diaz, Rudi van der Merwe,  József Trefeli
Soundtrack Hahn Rowe
Creative Director & Technologist Camilo De Martino
Lead 3D Artist Tristan Siodlak
VFX Artist Benjamin Froger
3D Artist Michael Krebs
Technical artist & developer Pierre-Igor Berthet
Real time motion capture technology Hugo Cahn – Cie Gilles Jobin
Motion capture technology Qualisys – Motion capture Systems
Boom Cloud technology Camilo De Martino – Cie Gilles Jobin
Thanks to Coburn the Software Guy

Dancer in Melbourne Victoria Chiu
Motion capture Melbourne Embodied Movement Design Studio, Centre for Transformative Media Technologies, Swinburne University of Technology
Interactive Media Artists Kim Vincs, John McCormick
Motion capture Stephen Jeal, Adam Carr, Joshua Reason
Supported by Carol Brown and VCA Dance at the University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Fine Arts and Music

Dancer Bangalore Diya Naidu
Motion capture Bangalore Viga Entertainment Technology, Patreek Sharma
Publicist Evelyn Wang

Production Cie Gilles Jobin – Geneva, Switzerland
Co-production Comédie de Genève, Switzerland – SRG SSR, Switzerland
With the support of Cinéforom and Loterie Romande – City of Geneva – State of Geneva – Swiss Films