The Studio 44 MocapLab, the home base of the Gilles Jobin Company in Geneva, is now equipped for motion capture and digital creation with 42 Qualisys optical cameras. We envision this space as an open-source environment dedicated to digital technologies from the perspective of movement and the performing arts.
With our studio equipped for digital creation, we offer an innovative context aimed at both artists and companies experienced in digital technologies but lacking the knowledge to engage with it. The Gilles Jobin Company aims to share this tool with the artistic community by giving creative teams the opportunity to experiment with the equipment without the constraints of commercial studios.
There is a growing demand for fundamental and applied research spaces dedicated to motion capture, digital creation, and new tools and professions in the performing arts. With our international residencies organized between 2020 and 2023, our studio has become an attractive hub for both local and international artists seeking digital solutions. Through this innovative project, we offer interesting work and training opportunities for young professionals coming from regional higher education programs.
Our goal is to provide a space for creation and share the knowledge from our technical and artistic team to encourage the development of new digital languages. By hosting artists working on digital creation from the perspective of live performance and reaching new audiences, both in presence and connected remotely, we aim to stimulate the emergence of a local creative ecosystem at an international level.
The acquisition of this equipment was made possible thanks to the support of the Transformation project (2021-2022) and the support from the Loterie Romande Geneva (2021), as well as support from the City of Geneva for studio renovation work carried out in spring 2022.
March 14 and 15, 2022 + June 15 – 26, 2022
Cie If (Geneva) Theater
Isis Fahmy (Geneva), Benoit Renaudin (Geneva), Raphaël Munoz (Geneva), Christina Antonarakis, (Geneva), Georgia Rushton (Geneva), Zoé Sjollema (Geneva)
8-13 November 2021 + 1-11 March 2022
Instituto Stocos (Madrid) Dance
Muriel Romero (Madrid), Pablo Palacios (Madrid), Daniel Bisig (Zurich)
June 27 – August 24, 2022
Brigitte Fässler (Basel) Performance/Visual art
Loan of motion capture equipment for motion capture research VR project
28 June – 9 July + 18 July – 26 July 2022
Zelia ZZ Tan (Hong Kong) and Pedro Ribot (Geneva) Dance
August 29 – September 2, 2022 + September 6- 20, 2022
Virtual Crossings Geneva Collaborative project Dance and multidisciplinary
Ivan Larson (Geneva), Maëlle Deral (Lyon), Susana Panadès Diaz (Geneva), Camille de Dieu (Geneva),
Laurent Novac (Geneva), Simone Aubert (Geneva), Pol (Geneva)
September 3 – 5, 2022
Anouschka and the Braid of Time (Los Angeles) AR project
Tamara Shogaoulu / Ado Ato Productions (Los Angeles-Amsterdam)
October 14, 2022
Richi Owaki (Yamaguchi) Dance
November 2022
ARi3L Rudi Van Der Merwe (Geneva) Dance
József Trefeli (Geneva), Susana Panadès Diaz (Geneva), Tristan Siodlak (Geneva), Pedro Ribot

With the arrival of the Covid confinement and also with the difficulties of travelling and the global warming problems, the Compagnie Cie Gilles Jobin has transformed its choreographic projects for the stage into digital choreographic projects and has turned to digital creation in real time, in order to be able to continue its creative activities and explore the new normal channels of distribution and to explore new digital territories for the creation of live art.
The pieces La Comédie Digitale -live show (multi user immersive VR in real time) and Cosmogony (2D projection in real time) can be danced in Geneva and transmitted in real time in the world. Cosmogony was created for the SIFA in Singapore, projected on a live building in Bucharest for the BIDFF festival and invited to the prestigious Sundance Film Festival on the West Coast of the United States. Several dates of Cosmogony are planned in 2022 in Italy, Egypt, Netherlands, United States in 2023 at Chaillot Théâtre National de la Danse in Paris, one of the most important institutions for dance in Europe.
One of the side effects of our new distribution is to have made our carbon footprint decrease drastically. In 2019, before covid, we have been in 10 countries and 17 cities on 3 continents and spent about 89.8 tons of C02. While we have continued to transmit internationally from our studio in La Coulouvrenière since the beginning of the crisis, we have not taken a single plane flight since 2019. If we had to travel with Cosmogony’s 6-person team to Singapore, Bucharest and Park City on the West Coast of the United States, we would have spent 42 tons of C02 just for our economy class flights. In 2020, 2021, and 2022, the carbon footprint of our international distribution is nearly zero